[Binghamton Geometry/Topology Seminar] (no subject)

Ross Geoghegan ross at math.binghamton.edu
Fri Jul 13 10:09:29 EDT 2007


   Date: Thursday July 19, 2007 

   Time:  3.00 pm

   Place: Library North 2205 followed by coffee/tea in the Anderson
          Reading Room.

   Speaker:  Dani Wise (McGill University)

   Title: Nonpositively Curved Cube Complexes in Geometric Group Theory

Nonpositively curved cube complexes have come to occupy an increasingly
important role in geometric group theory. Surprisingly many of the groups
traditionally studied by combinatorial group theorists are turning out
to act properly on CAT(0) cube complexes. This is leading to an increased
and more unified understanding of these groups, as well as the resolution
of some of the algebraic problems that were first raised in combinatorial
group theory but were unapproachable without geometric methods. We will
survey groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes with an eye towards these
recent developments.

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