[Binghamton Geometry/Topology Seminar] September 18

Marco Varisco marco at math.binghamton.edu
Mon Sep 15 12:38:20 EDT 2008


Date:  Thursday, September 18, 2008

Time:  2:50 pm

Place:  Library North 2205
  (followed by coffee/tea in the Anderson Reading Room)

Speaker:  Jean-François Lafont (Ohio State University)

Title:  Splitting formulas for certain Waldhausen Nil-groups

Abstract:  For a group G that splits as an amalgamation of A and B
over a common subgroup C, there is an associated Waldhausen Nil-group,
measuring the "failure" of Mayer-Vietoris for algebraic K-theory.
Assume that (1) the amalgamation is acylindrical, and (2) the groups
A, B, and G satisfy the Farrell-Jones isomorphism conjecture. Then we
show that the Waldhausen Nil-group splits as a direct sum of
Nil-groups associated to certain (explicitly describable) infinite
virtually cyclic subgroups of G. This was joint work with Ivonne

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