[Binghamton Geometry/Topology Seminar] GEOMETRY/TOPOLOGY SEMINAR this Thursday

Tam Nguyen Phan tam at math.binghamton.edu
Sun Mar 22 23:54:44 EDT 2015


   Date: Thursday, March 26th, 2015

   Time:  2.50 pm

   Place: Whitney Hall, Room 100E,  followed by coffee/tea in the
      Hilton Reading Room. Note the new location of the math department (

   Speaker: Matt Zaremsky (Binghamton University)
   Title:  The -invariants of the generalized Thompson's groups

   Abstract: Building off the first talk, I will shift from
 to a family of groups , of which  is . Using the action of on a CAT(0)
cube complex, I was recently able to compute all the -invariants of all the .
In this talk I will focus on the aspects of the -invariants that only come
up when , and will highlight a new technique, building off work of Belk and
Forrest, for proving higher connectivity properties of certain complexes.
This talk will still be accessible to non-experts, though it will help to
have gone to the first talk.

NOTE:  The seminar has a webpage where the semester's program is listed:


It can also be linked from the Department's Home Page.
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