[Binghamton Geometry/Topology Seminar] cross-listing this week

jwilliams at math.binghamton.edu jwilliams at math.binghamton.edu
Sun Oct 29 09:16:35 EDT 2017


On Monday there will be an arithmetic seminar, possibly of interest to you:

Speaker: Alina Vdovina (CUNY, Newcastle)
Title: Buildings, quaternions and fake quadrics
Abstract: We'll present construction of buildings as universal covers of
certain complexes. A very interesting case is when the fundamental group
of such a complex is arithmetic, since the construction can be carried
forward to get new algebraic surfaces, namely fake quadrics. Fake
projective planes are already classified following series of works of D.
Mumford, G. Prasad, S.-K. Young, D.Cartwright, T.Steger, but the fake
quadrics remain mysterious.

Monday (tomorrow), October 30 at 3:30pm in WH-100E.

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