[Binghamton Geometry/Topology Seminar] Seminar tomorrow

jwilliams at math.binghamton.edu jwilliams at math.binghamton.edu
Mon Jan 15 13:54:01 EST 2018

Hello T&G people,
The following announcement for the algebra seminar tomorro (Jan. 16) may
be of interest to you.

The first talk of the Algebra Seminar will be this Tuesday (tomorrow).
Perhaps next week we will have the organizational meeting.

Speaker: Jonas Deré (KU Leuven Kulak)

Title: Which manifolds admit expanding maps

Abstract: In 1981, M. Gromov completed the proof that every manifold
admitting an expanding map is, up to finite cover, homeomorphic to a
nilmanifold. Since then it was an open question to give an algebraic
characterization of the nilmanifolds admitting an expanding map. During my
talk, I will start by introducing the basic notions of expanding maps and
nilmanifolds. Then I explain how the existence of such an expanding map
only depends on the covering Lie group and on the existence of certain
gradings on the corresponding Lie algebra. One of the applications is the
construction of a nilmanifold admitting an Anosov diffeomorphism but no
expanding map, which is the first example of this type.

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