[Binghamton Geometry Topology Seminar] This week: Olakunle Abawonse

jwilliams at math.binghamton.edu jwilliams at math.binghamton.edu
Mon Nov 5 11:56:39 EST 2018

This week, we have one of our own: graduate student Olakunle Abawonse.

Title: Discrete Morse Theory, Collapsibility and CAT(0) Simplicial Complexes

Abstract: We will talk about a sufficient condition under which a finite
simplicial complex of dimension three or less and equipped with a
piecewise Euclidean geometry collapses to a point according to a result of
Katherine Crowley. This will be done using discrete Morse theory, a
combinatorial analog to the classical smooth theory.

Thursday, Nov. 8, 2:50pm in WH-100E

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