[Binghamton Geometry Topology Seminar] GT seminar: Lea Kenigsberg

Cary Malkiewich malkiewich at math.binghamton.edu
Mon Dec 5 08:47:13 EST 2022

Hi everyone,

This week is our last seminar of the semester! We are pleased to have Lea
Kenigsberg (Columbia) talking about coproducts in Floer theory and string
topology, title and abstract below. This will be an *in-person talk*, on
Thursday at 2:50 pm in WH 100E.

We will also be taking the speaker to lunch; meet at 12 pm just outside
WH100E if you would like to come. See you there!

Cary and Roman

Title: Coproduct structures, a tale of two outputs
Abstract: I will tell the elusive story of coproduct structures in Floer
theory and string topology, and explain why we care about them. I will then
define a new coproduct structure on the symplectic cohomology of Liouville
manifolds. Time permitting, I will indicate how to compute it in an example
to show that this structure is not trivial. This will be an accessible
talk; I will not assume knowledge of Floer theory or string topology. This
is based on my thesis work, in progress.
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