[Binghamton Geometry Topology Seminar] Geometry and Topology seminar: Oğuz Şavk

Cary Malkiewich malkiewich at math.binghamton.edu
Tue Feb 22 10:46:00 EST 2022

Hi everyone,

This week we are pleased to have Oğuz Şavk (Boğaziçi University) speaking
about homology 3-spheres, title and abstract below. As usual, the talk will
be on Thursday at 2:50pm in WH 100E.

The speaker will be delivering the talk remotely, and we'll project it in
WH 100E. In case you can't make it and would like to join remotely, you can
join at the link:


The "seminar lunch" will again be at the picnic table just outside the main
entrance a little after 12pm (in case you need to go pick up food and bring
it back). Anyone is welcome to join!


Title: Homology 3-spheres bounding contractible 4-manifolds and homology
Abstract: A central problem in low-dimensional topology asks which homology
3-spheres bound contractible 4-manifolds and homology 4-balls. In this
talk, we address this problem for plumbed 3-manifolds and we present the
classical and new results. Our approach is based on Mazur’s famous argument
and its generalization, they together provide a unification of all
recognized results.
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