[Binghamton Geometry Topology Seminar] Geometry and Topology seminar: Steven Gindi

Cary Malkiewich malkiewich at math.binghamton.edu
Tue Mar 29 12:42:20 EDT 2022

Hi everyone,

This week we are pleased to have our very own Steven Gindi speaking about
Ricci flow, title and abstract below. As usual, the talk will be on
Thursday at 2:50pm in WH 100E.

The speaker will be delivering the talk remotely, and we'll project it in
WH 100E. In case you can't make it and would like to join remotely, you can
join at the link:


Anyone who's interested can also join me for lunch on Thursday, we'll meet
outside WH100E at 12pm and head out from there.


Title: Long Time Limits of Generalized Ricci Flow
Abstract: We derive rigidity results for generalized Ricci flow blowdown
limits on classes of nilpotent principal bundles. We accomplish this by
constructing new functionals over the base manifold that are monotone along
the flow.  This overcomes a major hurdle in the nonabelian theory where the
expected Perleman-type functionals were not monotone and did not yield
results. Our functionals were inspired and built from subsolutions of the
heat equation, which we discovered using the nilpotency of the structure
group and the flow equations. We also use these and other new subsolutions
to prove that, given initial data, the flow exists on the principal bundle
for all positive time and satisfies type III decay bounds.
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