[Binghamton Geometry Topology Seminar] GT Seminar: Rhiannon Griffiths speaks today

Cary Malkiewich malkiewich at math.binghamton.edu
Thu Oct 13 10:22:21 EDT 2022

Hi everyone,

A quick reminder that Rhiannon Griffiths (Cornell) is speaking today in
topology seminar, 2:50pm in WH100E. We will meet at noon outside WH100E to
take the speaker to lunch. See you there!

Cary and Roman

*Title: Slices of higher categories*
*Abstract:* Fully weak higher categories are often the most useful for
applications to areas such as algebraic topology and homotopy theory, but
become too complex for practical use in dimensions greater than 2. A
solution is to find a notion of semi-strict higher category: higher
categories which are just weak enough to be equivalent to the fully weak
variety, while still being tractable enough to work with directly.

In this talk I will show how it is possible to take ‘slices’ of higher
categories. Roughly speaking, the k-th slice is the symmetric operad
corresponding to the algebra formed by the k-cells of a higher category. I
will explain the ways in which these slices can give us a way to recognise
when some notion of higher category is equivalent to the fully weak
variety, and discuss some examples and potential applications.
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