[Binghamton Geometry Topology Seminar] GT Seminar: Marco Varisco

Cary Malkiewich malkiewich at math.binghamton.edu
Tue Jan 17 09:04:56 EST 2023

Hi everyone,

This week we are pleased to kick off the spring edition of the Geometry and
Topology Seminar with Marco Varisco (SUNY Albany), speaking about discrete
Morse theory, title and abstract below. This will be an *in person talk*,
on Thursday at 2:50pm in WH 100E.

We will also take the speaker to lunch. If you would like to join us, meet
us on Thursday at 12pm just outside WH100E. See you there!

Cary and Roman

*Title:* Universal Spaces for Proper Actions, Vietoris–Rips Complexes, and
Equivariant Discrete Morse Theory
*Abstract:* I will talk about a joint article with Matt Zaremsky (now at
Albany and formerly a postdoc at Binghamton, like me). Our main result is
that all asymptotically CAT(0) groups have finite universal spaces for
proper actions, given by Vietoris–Rips complexes. My goal is to introduce
all these concepts and explain why we care about them. The technique we
develop to prove this result is an equivariant version of Bestvina–Brady
discrete Morse theory, which we believe to be of independent interest.

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