[Binghamton Geometry Topology Seminar] Geometry and Topology seminar: Maxine Calle

Cary Malkiewich malkiewich at math.binghamton.edu
Tue Sep 26 09:05:26 EDT 2023

Hi everyone,

This week we are pleased to have Maxine Calle (University of Pennsylvania)
speaking about TQFTs, title and abstract below. This will be an in person
talk, on Thursday at 2:50pm in WH 100E.

We will also have a lunch social once the speaker gets in. This will
probably be at 12pm or slightly after, meeting just outside WH100E. I'll
send another update on Thursday. See you there!


*Title: *Nested cobordisms and TQFTs
*Abstract: *The folk theorem identifying 2-dimensional TFQTs with Frobenius
algebras is a starting point for a lot of interesting mathematics, from
mathematical physics to homotopy theory to higher category theory. In this
talk, we will explore what happens if we replace the cobordism category
with a category of nested cobordisms, where 2-dimensional surfaces may have
embedded 1-dimensional submanifolds, and what kind of algebraic structure
the corresponding nested TQFTs pick out. This is based on ongoing work
joint with R. Hoekzema, L. Murray, N. Pacheco-Tallaj, C. Rovi, and S.
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