[Binghamton Geometry/Topology Seminar] November 13

Marco Varisco marco at math.binghamton.edu
Sun Nov 9 11:26:12 EST 2008


Date:  Thursday, November 13, 2008

Time:  2:50 pm

Place:  Library North 2205
  (followed by coffee/tea in the Anderson Reading Room)

Speaker:  Tomoo Matsumura  (Cornell University)

Title:  Stringy/orbifold cohomology ring and symmetric product orbifolds

Abstract:  First I will explain the definition of stringy cohomology
ring of a global quotient orbifold [X/G] where X is a symplectic or
almost complex manifold with an action of a finite group G. Its
relation to Chen-Ruan orbifold cohomology ring and Gromov-Witten
invariants will be also explained. Then I will show the computational
result of the stringy cohomology of symmetric product of an orbifold
and its application to Ruan's crepant resolution conjecture.

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