[Binghamton Geometry Topology Seminar] Seminar This Week

Cary Malkiewich malkiewich at math.binghamton.edu
Tue May 11 12:48:41 EDT 2021

Hi everyone,

This week our speaker will be Achim Krause (Muenster). We'll have the
coffee hour at *12pm* on Thursday rather than 12:30pm. Here are the details.

*Title*: Witt vectors with coefficients and characteristic polynomials over
non-commutative rings

*Abstract:* Witt vectors are classically discussed as a means to
canonically lift characteristic p objects to mixed characteristic. These
"p-typical" Witt vectors also have an analogue that combines all primes at
once, the "big Witt vectors". These show up naturally in the study of
refinements of topological Hochschild homology, as TR_0. Since the latter
makes sense more generally for noncommutative rings, and even with
coefficients in a bimodule, it is natural to ask for a similar
generalisation of Witt vectors on the algebraic side. We describe these
``Witt vectors with coefficients'' algebraically, and show that they enjoy
analogs of a lot of the usual structure of Witt vectors. We also see how in
this perspective, the trace from cyclic K-theory can be interpreted as a
kind of noncommutative characteristic polynomial.

Zoom link for the seminar, 2:50 - 3:50:

Zoom link for the coffee, 12:00 - 1:00:


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