[Binghamton Geometry Topology Seminar] Seminar Reminder

Matthew R Haulmark haulmark at binghamton.edu
Thu Oct 21 10:35:11 EDT 2021

Hi everyone,

Today Nima Rasekh (EPFL) will speaking about topological Hochschild
homology (THH) from a formal point of view, title and abstract below. As
usual, the talk will be on Thursday at 2:50pm in WH 100E.

The speaker will be delivering the talk remotely, and we'll project it in
WH 100E. In case you can't make it and would like to join remotely, you can
join at the link:


The "seminar lunch" will again be at the picnic tables just outside the
main entrance a little after 12pm (in case you need to go pick up food and
bring it back). Anyone is welcome to join!


Title: THH and Shadows of Bicategories
Abstract: Topological Hochschild homology (THH), first defined for ring
spectra and then later dg-categories and spectrally enriched categories, is
an important invariant with connections to algebraic K-theory and fixed
point methods. The existence of THH in such diverse contexts motivated
Ponto to introduce a notion that can encompass the various perspectives: a
shadow of bicategories. On the other side, many versions of THH have been
generalized to the homotopy coherent setting providing us with motivation
to develop an analogous homotopy coherent notion of shadows.

The goal of this talk is to use an appropriate bicategorical notion of THH
to prove that a shadow on a bicategory is equivalent to a functor out of
THH of that bicategory. We then use this result to give an alternative
conceptual understanding of shadows as well as an appropriate definition of
a homotopy coherent shadow.

This is joint work with Kathryn Hess.
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