[Binghamton Geometry Topology Seminar] Geometry and Topology seminar this semester

Cary Malkiewich malkiewich at math.binghamton.edu
Mon Aug 22 11:13:35 EDT 2022

Hi everyone,

This is a once-a-semester email to the entire department. The Geometry and
Topology seminar will be organized this year by myself and Roman. If you
are interested in receiving emails announcing the talks each week, and have
not already done so, please take a moment to sign up for our mailing list:

You can also find an up-to-date schedule of our seminar at any time at the
seminar website:

If you would like to talk in the seminar, send me and/or Roman an email! We
are especially interested in getting more graduate students and postdocs to
present, to help prepare for the job market. We have three open slots in
September currently, these would be ideal dates for in-house speakers.

This week I'll kick off the seminar with a new result on scissors
congruence K-theory, title and abstract below. As usual, the talk will be
on Thursday at 2:50pm in WH100E. We will also have a lunch gathering on
Thursday -- meet at 12pm just outside WH100E. You can attend either or both
of these events -- we'll be happy to see you whenever you can make it.


Title: A Farrell-Jones isomorphism for scissors congruence K-theory
Abstract: Scissors congruence K-theory is an algebraic object that captures
solutions to variants of Hilbert's Third Problem. In other words, when one
polytope can be cut into pieces and rearranged to form another. In this
talk I will describe a new trace map from scissors congruence K-theory to
group homology. It turns out that a refinement of this map provides an
inverse to the assembly map, proving the Farrell-Jones isomorphism for this
form of K-theory. This allows us to make the first computations of scissors
congruence K-theory groups above K_1. Much of this is joint work with Mona
Merling and Inna Zakharevich.
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